Harnessing your Endocannabinoid system to Combat Pain, Inflammation and Much More
Presented By: Dr. Paul Hrkal
Date: September 26, 2019
Duration: 57:32
Harnessing your Endocannabinoid system to Combat Pain, Inflammation and Much More
Presented By: Dr. Paul Hrkal
Date: September 26, 2019
Duration: 57:32
Your body uses the endocannabinoid system (ECS) to heal, repair and protect itself against many different types of stressors and insults such as toxins, bacterial and viral infections, pesticides, carcinogens and inflammation. One of the key signalling molecules in the ECS is called Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA). Dr. Paul Hrkal, AOR’s Medical Director, will share the highlights of over 80 years research and more than 300 scientific and clinical studies on the effectiveness and safety of P.E.A. Learn about this ground-breaking “ortho-molecule” and its impact on a wide range of health conditions including pain, neuroinflammation, allergies, mood, immunity and much more.
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