Mindsets are not just important for learning new skills. They can affect the way that we think about everything. In this episode, Marlyn Diaz discusses developing a creation mindset so you can live the life you desire.
Episode 48: You’re Worthy of Your Desires
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Welcome to Supplementing Health, a podcast presented by Advanced Orthomolecular Research. We are all about applying evidence based and effective dietary lifestyle and natural health product strategies for your optimal health. In each episode, we will feature very engaging clinicians and experts from the world of functional and naturopathic medicine to help achieve our mission to empower people to lead their best lives naturally.
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[01:10] Cassy Price: I’m guessing you’ve probably heard of antioxidants, but do you know what they are? They are compounds that inhibit oxidation. Oxidation is a natural chemical reaction that can produce free radicals thereby leading to a chain reaction that may damage the cells of organisms. The damage that is caused may result in increased risk of many diseases. Increasing your antioxidant intake can help reduce that risk. Introducing P.E.A.k Antioxidant Support, this formula combines PEA which is shown to be an excellent anti-inflammatory with a well known and highly versatile antioxidant R-Lipoic acid. Don’t delay, get a bottle today at your local retailer or online at AOR.ca.
[01:48] Cassy Price: Welcome to Supplementing Health. Thanks for tuning in. Today we are joined by Marlyn Diaz, certified nutritionist, to discuss your desires and leading a happier life. Marlyn uses her deep understanding of the daily challenges faced by her creative, high pressured, deadline orientated executive clientele to deliver innovative solutions, unique accountability methods, simple tools and science based strategies that allow her clients to thrive in both their professional and their personal lives. Hi Marlyn, thanks for chatting with me today.
[02:17] Marlyn Diaz: Hi Cassy. I’m so excited to be here.
[02:19] Cassy Price: So, in our fast-paced society sometimes it can seem really challenging to have it all, right? Good health both physical and spiritual and an impactful and fulfilling career and then of course home life as well, that we get to actually enjoy, it’s not just there on the side. So, would you share some of the ways that you help your clients achieve this balance?
[02:40] Marlyn Diaz: Absolutely. That’s a great question. I would start with slowing down, right? So, we are in this fast-paced society. Although the last year has enabled a lot of us to slow down, right? So, slowing down and connecting with our breath and then really getting clear what’s important. So, in chapter two in my book Beyond Radiant, it’s called the three Cs: clarity, courage and commitment and from this place we begin. We begin with an intention, what’s important to us? Usually what’s important to us is on our calendar too. Our calendar is a good place to start. Time is a commodity. How are we using our time? When I am working with a client I always start with the question; okay, it’s three months from now our work together has been wildly successful, what does your life look like? How do you feel? What’s showing up? From that place they start to have an image, a visual and things start to come forward. Then we go backwards. We create a bridge from here to there. How are we going to get there? What’s going to be important?
[03:59] Marlyn Diaz: Putting things down in your calendar to really start to set yourself up for a day of success. I just want to add, with that I also talk about in the book, starting your day with morning ‘me time’. Even if you have kids or a lot of responsibility, getting up a little earlier and taking a few minutes, whether it is having your coffee, setting an intention, picturing yourself as your future self. Then during the day, taking some breath breaks. That brings us back to slowing down, getting recentred. Grounding back into the body and getting reenergised. Then in the evening, have an evening wind down. So, setting your day up with a bit of structure can really start to create the life you want.
[04:50] Cassy Price: Now, like you mentioned things have slowed down definitely with the pandemic. However, in some ways, I know for me it’s been a challenging adjustment because the whole family is home with you and kids are doing online schooling too and maybe you only have a couple of computers in the house, or even just one computer that everyone is trying to schedule and share. To a certain degree this can add a new element of chaos to your life that you then have to try and figure out together. When you are saying add that element of schedule or structure to your life, are there certain aspects of that that you would say don’t ever compromise on verses others that should be more flexible or is that a personal decision?
[05:37] Marlyn Diaz: I think it’s personal but we can create a day of success and with that I would throw in there that we need to be adaptable, right? What we used to do and what was the old-normal is not the new normal and as you are sharing your kids might be home, or different aspects of life are different than they were in the past, so we have to bring our minds to the now and work with what is happening. “Okay, given what is happening, how am I going to create the best day possible?” Then look at what is going to be in best service to your family? What is going to be in best service to yourself? What’s going to be in best flow for your day? Some days might look different. The weekends might look different than during the week.
[06:22] Marlyn Diaz: Set yourself up for priorities. Take the three most important things that you must get done during your day and with that take breaks, back to that morning ‘me time’ to really visualize “Okay, I’m going to set the intention for the best day possible.” And with that be flexible too because in this day and age things happen. That is just life. We can also create some structure around the day using the computers, figuring out who needs what and when and going with the flow a little bit too. I know as humans we can get upset or stressed if things don’t go our way at times and that creates high cortisol which is the stress hormone which isn’t always good for our health and wellbeing. So, it is kind of like having structure but in that structure being flexible. Does that make sense?
[07:17] Cassy Price: Yeah. Absolutely. For the visualization piece that you were talking about. I think a lot of us try to put limits on our visualization because we want to be realistic, we don’t want to dream about living in a castle or those grandiose visions, right? How do you identify what is your true desire if you are putting those limits on yourself and our feeling unsure about your visions or your goals or your dreams?
[07:50] Marlyn Diaz: That’s such a great question. I’m really going to slow down and unpack this for a moment. In front of me I have a couple of rocks, different sizes, that have words on them for inspiration. Two of them say dream on them. I think especially when we are kids, we dream, right? A lot of us will dream and spend time in our heads creating. Sometimes we can get in trouble in school when we’re kids because we’re daydreaming, especially girls for some reason. Maybe we’ve been taught that it’s not a good idea to do that but dreaming is where we create, especially as humans. It’s where we spend time creating and visualising and wanting to plan our lives. Then for some reason if we haven’t always been able to do what we want or manifest what we want we think it is not a good idea and we limit ourselves.
[08:42] Marlyn Diaz: Honestly, from all the research and the scientific research out there now with something called neuroplasticity, it’s like really creating new grooves in the brain, we really can create things that we want. We’re unlimited in our potential and we as humans, many times, hold our own selves back because maybe we feel unworthy of our desires or we haven’t gotten what we wanted or ”I’m just going to give up on that because it never really paid off for me.” One of the things that I have been doing with clients lately and my own work with myself is sitting down whether it’s in the morning, the morning is a great time because it sets you up for the day, but it could be any time day and night and start to visualize your future self. Who do you want to be? What do you want to create? Tap into that energy and that mindset and then from that place take a small action step. It can be baby step. It doesn’t have to be a huge thing.
[09:44] Marlyn Diaz: Let’s just say your future self has your household running smoothly, your fit and healthy, your mind is strong, you’re creating prosperity in your life, you’re eating really well. Maybe you’re not doing those things right now, but you can visualize who that person is. How would that future self show up in her day? Is she going to have chaos in her day or is she going to have order in her day? Which one step can you take to have more order in your day? Then you start practicing like building a muscle at the gym or playing any kid of musical instrument. We only get better when we are practicing, and we are doing it day after day. Commitment to the practice of it. We never have to be perfect we just have to practice. The only way we fail is if we quit. So, it’s day in and day out and staying positive. We can talk a little bit more about how to stay positive and what to do to surround your life with people that are positive.
[10:47] Cassy Price: Do you recommend tools like hypnotherapy or meditation to help strengthen those visualization skills?
[10:56] Marlyn Diaz: Another great question. So, I am not as super familiar with doing hypnotherapy. I know it’s worked for some people and it might be a modality that works in some people’s lives. I am more familiar and work with more mindfulness tools and meditation. Myself, I’ve had about six years of mindfulness classes from self-compassion to mindfulness based stress reduction. So, I share that with clients when I am working with clients. I’ll give you an example. I have one client. Her name is Diana. She’s weaved throughout my books. She worked with my 10 years ago and was super resistant to doing any kind of mindfulness mediation practice. Fast forward 10 years later. She came on board to work with me for a six-month plan, she was stepping into 50 and her body was changing, and she really wanted to set herself up for success for the next chapter of her life. She started practice of three minute mindfulness meditation. She gave herself a timer of three minutes a day. She has been practicing every single day for the last year, year plus now. It has totally changed her life.
[12:14] Marlyn Diaz: So, I watch my clients and myself work with meditation and mindfulness and that skill again going back to neuroplasticity. What that is, it’s like when we are young, and we do things in our lives or when you do something over and over again the brain sets like a groove. It becomes natural. Like riding a bike or driving a car, when you first start doing it, it is kind of foreign and we have to get used to that skill. Over time you develop that skill set. The brain kind of knows it. When we are stepping into a new skill later in life, we used to think that the brain didn’t learn anything new or couldn’t be adjusted after say the age of 25. Now we know that through research that is not true. We can recreate. It just takes doing it over and over and creating those new grooves and new pathways. Setting yourself up for a mindfulness or meditation practice is where we start to strengthen that muscle in the brain and create a new way of doing something, so it becomes natural where at first it feels really unnatural. It is possible. Then you start breaking through beliefs and glass ceilings and creating a life that you always dreamed of but somehow never seemed to be able to get there.
[13:41] Cassy Price: The notion of fate comes to mind. People believe that certain things are just fate and it doesn’t matter what you do, they are going to happen regardless. It kind of ties in with that butterfly effect idea as well where it is like someone else can do something and that is going to affect your life regardless. So, in your opinion, to what degree do we actually control the course of our lives and how can we look past or integrate those other notions into this taking control of our situation?
[14:11] Marlyn Diaz: So, I would say from my experience and my beliefs and everything I have researched and have witnessed with clients and people that I have worked with is that there are things that happen in the world that are out of our control like a pandemic, right? That happened and it is something that we have to now adapt to. We can now control what we put on the end of our fork, or what foods we bring into our home, or how we are going to react to the stress that comes up around this pandemic, or what news we watch and what things we let into our brains. So, we as humans have free will and we live in a country where there are some freedoms with that free will. We are fortunate. Certain countries have more limitations. We get to decide as humans each day on something we might not have a choice, but we have a lot of choice that is free choice. Again, what are spending our money on? What are we watching? Who are we friends with? What relationships are in our lives?
[15:32] Marlyn Diaz: So, from that place there might be a destiny to our lives that is out there in spiritual land and at the same time we do have free will each day on a lot of things. Those choices can lead us. If one decides to sit home all the time and never walk out their door to a place of uncomfortable new horizons, we might never meet our soul mate but if we decide that “Okay, I am going to go on a dating app. I’m going to go on some dates if my friends set me up with someone.” You are going outside of your comfort zone and at the same time who knows where your destiny is going to lead you but at least you’re moving forward and taking some action. You never know. The other notion that just comes forward for me to share is that it’s our mindset of how we get up each day and how we look at life. Einstein said, you want to ask yourself; is the universe a friendly place or an unfriendly place? From that place are you open to possibilities that life might share with you? Are you going to stay in your bubble and just do things from that place? It is like, how do you want your life to be? What are you willing to be committed to, to create the life you want and desire?
[17:07] Cassy Price: I love that you talk about the comfort zone there and staying in your bubble because I think sometimes too, we think we are pushing those limits and getting outside of our comfort zone, but we do it in a way that is still very much within that comfort zone, right? So, it’s like “Yeah, I went to my door and I opened it, but I never actually stepped outside.” So, it’s like baby steps towards getting what you want but still getting in your own way. So, what role does self-esteem or self-worth play in finding the courage to actually go beyond your comfort zone like that and take those steps to take control and create the life you want?
[17:47] Marlyn Diaz: A lot!!! A LOT. It takes courage to do things that are outside of our comfort zone. From even as a young child on the playground with friends going on monkey bars that might seem a little scary to go when you are a kid. It takes courage to step on a rollercoaster sometimes. Sometimes people have that just, get up and go and they are very out there in the world and ready, whereas another can be more introverted and timid. So, we want to build our self-esteem but how do we do this? By stepping out of our comfort zone and doing something that is uncomfortable. Then we get a lot of self-worth back in a sense that “Wow, I just moved through something that was really scary and may have been good at it, may have been okay at it, but at the same time I had enough courage to just try it.”
[18:52] Marlyn Diaz: So, people ask how do you build your self-esteem? How do you build your self-worth? You do things that are uncomfortable. Personally, something that is coming up, I have run a couple of events that were live events and to step on a stage at the beginning with 75 or 100 people, I’ve spoken on stages where there is 500 people in the audience. The adrenaline is rushing in the beginning. It’s a little scary to step up. “Am I going to be good enough? Am I going to say the right thing?” Most of us want to do well when we do something. Then when you have some success under your belt, afterwards that is when you say “Woah, great job Cassy. Great job Marlyn. Great job Sally.” Whatever, right? You pat yourself on the back with your own hand and say “great job” like a mother would, like a father would, like a caretaker would and you start building that self-esteem and self-worth. It can be small steps. It can be large steps. We don’t have to be at the place where our self-worth is booming to do something. We can be scared. Sometimes it is great to hire a coach or a trainer. I have had coaches in my life for business or life. People hire me to help them move through their fears and concerns, it could be a trusted friend that can see a blind spot and have encouragement, or a partner that gives you encouragement to keep going. The key is though is to keep going. Even if we take a pivot or a pause to not give up.
[20:41] Cassy Price: Yeah, absolutely. I think that is the hardest thing sometimes. It’s finding that motivation to keep going when it comes to big goals or celebrating the smaller milestones or finding those little pieces to be excited about to keep you driven to keep going and keep your motivation high. So, when it comes to any big goal, I think it is a great idea to celebrate those smaller milestones along the way and give yourself that pat on the back and find the reasons to be excited about it and I assume it is probably similar when you are developing that life that you are going to live with intent and that you are reaching your dreams. Do you find there are certain milestones that are common that people can look to celebrate?
[21:31] Marlyn Diaz: Sure, that can be anything. I was thinking about this just now as you were talking and what came forward is even a project that we complete is a milestone to celebrate, right? How many times do we want to maybe write a book or create a business or anything from something small or large, like read a book, and we might start and sometimes we get side tracked, and we don’t finish. So, completing a project is a great thing to celebrate. That builds self-esteem as well. Also, I just want to share a client’s story for a moment. I have a gentleman that came to work with me about three years ago. A man in his mid-life in his fifties and he was drinking three to four glasses of alcohol an evening. He was like, “Marlyn can you help me? I feel terrible. I need to lose like 75 pounds. Everyday I feel like a truck has run over me when I get up in the morning. I have five kids and I just need to change. Can you help me?” So, I posed the question back. First, I said, “Yes. Are you willing to put the alcohol on the shelf for three weeks or 21 days while we clean up your diet and get yourself more in alignment with a healthy lifestyle?” He said, “Yes, absolutely.”
[22:55] Marlyn Diaz: So, 21 days passed, and he was absolutely committed to his plan and then three months passed, and he had lost 20 pounds at that point and still was off the alcohol. He said to me “Marlyn you seduced me. You told me it was just going to be for 21 days and here I am at three months now and I feel amazing. I don’t want to go back.” So, now it’s a year later. He lost 75 pounds, never drank alcohol in a year and felt amazing. It’s four years now with 2021 and we still keep in touch, he orders some products from me here and there, but the idea is that he can tap into an occasional alcohol and kept his weight off and the mindset was “Can you do this for a small period of time?” Once he tapped into “Yes, I can do this and I feel better, let’s keep going.” We don’t have to see the whole staircase. Take the first step, Martin Luther King said that, just take the first step and from there build. The idea is celebrating along the way. Celebrate all of the successes and the milestones and enlist a trusted friend or again a coach or a trainer or have a team or a buddy and that is how we create our lives.
[24:28] Cassy Price: How do you suggest someone go about surrounding themselves with people who encourage them to reach their potential? No matter what there is always going to be people who aren’t necessarily at the same phase that you are and whether it is intentional or not they can and will hold you back from reaching that goal just because they are not in the right mindset or stage or level or whatever it is, they are not vibrating at that same energy level that you are, and they are not ready to move forward with you. So, how do you go about ensuring that you are surrounded by the people that will help you get to where you want to be without necessarily burning bridges, shall we say, in the process?
[25:12] Marlyn Diaz: Super great question Cassy. My first thought is to slow down and start looking at your life. I would give anyone the recommendation to start to observe, who are the people in your life that you are spending time with. Jim Rome, I have this quote in my book, Jim Rome said “We’re a sum of the five people that we spend the most time with.” Who are those five people that we are spending the most time within our lives? What is their mindset? Do we enjoy being around them? Do we feel expanded, empowered, inspired and encouraged when we leave them or do we feel smaller, a little less tight in our energy when we leave them? Then start to get a feel from there. Then start to spend more time with the people that you feel good around. Pull back a little bit from the people, maybe if it’s a family member we are not going to necessarily cut that relationship off but perhaps you text them less or talk to them less or talk to them when you are really centred and grounded as supposed to feeling a little bit more vulnerable.
[26:31] Marlyn Diaz: Really start to get conscious of when and how you are spending time with those people. If it’s a friendship, someone that is pulling you off course or you have grown apart of your mindset is a little bit different, pull back a little bit and spend a little less time and really share that you are doing some projects right now and you are deep diving into your family. It can be a conscious decision or something that you are sitting with. The idea is, it starts with clarity and consciousness. Seek out those people who inspire you. They might even be someone on social media. Someone that you are inspired by on social media. Write a little comment. There are some people on social media that really inspire me so I might write a little comment saying, “awesome post” or “I love this” or “Thank you for sharing this.” Of course, that is going to make someone feel good. It validates their work in the world. Then there is a connection. You can send them a little message. I have done that as well. Keep connected to those people that are doing good things in the world and at the same time mute out or unfollow those who no longer inspire you. Also, you can create expanders in your mind. What’s an expander? I learned this thought from someone a couple of years ago. An expander is someone that is creating what you want or has what you want or inspires you in some way and they, instead of us being jealous or envious, they can be like “Yes, it’s possible for me to have that. There is someone that can give my brain the recognition that what I want is out there and it’s possible.”
[28:26] Cassy Price: While we’re talking about making these shifts, a lot of literature about manifesting your desires talks about letting go of past experiences that are no longer serving you which is kind of in that same vein of moving your energy away from those that are draining it and into areas that are helping to grow and build it and lift you up. So, how do you see this notion of letting go of past experiences fitting into realising your desires and building that ideal life?
[28:56] Marlyn Diaz: Again, it comes back to getting conscious. Figuring out what is serving you and what is no longer of value. Those things brought us to this place of today. They are part of our life history and part of our life, and we can bless and release them. We can love them for the lessons that they taught us and again release them. It is not always easy because sometimes they are weaved into the fabric of who we are and our personalities and the ways that we have been yet many times it is a habit and past experience can also bring up a lot of emotion. There is sometimes trauma attached to it or a way of living that we used to do, that served us then but no longer does now. So, again it is stepping more into the future that we want to create and releasing the parts of ourselves that are the way we were in the past but might not be the way we are now.
[30:18] Marlyn Diaz: Again, I want to bring up Diana who is weaved throughout my book. Diana talked about, when she first came to work with me last time, she felt that she lost her joy. She wanted to lose twenty pounds and find her joy. She also felt that she lived in a black and white world. She was either on a diet or off a diet, really good at something or really not. There was no grey zone. It was how do we create a grey zone where we can more integrating and flexible in our life? So, part of that journey was letting go of that black and white thinking and letting go of old ways of being around food and lifestyle. It was integrating that it is okay to eat healthy but have a dessert here and there. So, everything is bringing us to this moment. The question is can you be with where you are with no regrets and have compassion for your life and experience and love all of the parts of yourself and use it all for growth, upliftment and advancement?
[31:35] Cassy Price: You mentioned being conscious about which of these experiences are helping you verses hindering you at the stage that you are at now. Sometimes our past experiences or probably more often than not can actually feed into feelings of low self-confidence or unworthiness. Have you found in your practice that clients have common reasons for why they feel unworthy of their desires or do you find it is very much individualised?
[32:06] Marlyn Diaz: Mindset is such a big, big part of this equation. Personally, as I got more educated in mindfulness and many of the classes that I have started to take, realising that the mindfulness piece is a huge part in someone’s success. So, as I watch clients and watch miracles happen, and really started to look at “Why is one person successful when another keeps falling off path?” There are some common denominators to answer your question, that I have experienced watching humans and watching people and hearing their stories with me and their past. Many times, it’s because we may have been reflected back in childhood by a parent, by a teacher, by a community that might have been reflected that we are not good enough. That was our own interpretation. Our parents were doing the best that they could. Our teachers were doing the best that they could. The system of society was doing what it knew to do. Now we are all a little bit more conscious I think, and the internet has brought us more information so we can Google things and understand this journey more.
[33:38] Marlyn Diaz: The idea is that many times in childhood things were laid down and our beliefs were set up about ourselves. They were mirrored back to us. Our relationships mirrored back to us and we may have interpreted things about ourselves and might have carried that throughout our whole life like a backpack full of rocks. So, we could have had an experience at ten years old that set up our thinking, “Well, I’m not good enough.” Or “because this boy didn’t like me” or “Because this friend didn’t allow me into the group, I’m not good enough.” So, every time someone in our life comes in that seems to be similar to that boy or that girl that led the popular group, we can interpret a feeling. Sometimes it is really unconscious. So, again the idea is getting conscious and slowing down and becoming more mindful. Sometimes that might mean going to therapy for a little bit. Hiring a coach that can help you to dig in and unearth some of the things that are stopping you or us. I think it is collective humanness.
[34:54] Marlyn Diaz: We are going through life, we are doing our best, we had different events that come into our lives and for some reason, like many of my clients, some of their mothers were really on top of them for their weight. They had projected their own stuff onto their daughters, so it set them up for feeling bad about themselves, maybe they are on a diet or off a diet. My intention is to help them step into more of a healthy lifestyle. So, it’s again, can you be in the grey zone instead of black and white? Can you be compassionate with yourself if you fall off path for a moment and still get to your goal?
[35:34] Cassy Price: There’s two things that I really love that you called out there. One is that we often will project past experiences onto others whether that be an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend that wronged you in some way and then you see any similarity in a new partnership and you start blaming them for the past one’s indiscretions, right? Sometimes, like you said, with parents and things like that. You have to be conscious enough that you know what you bring to the table too from your own experiences and don’t pass that onto others, blaming them for someone else’s indiscretions. Then I also really like that you talked about how sometimes what seems like a really small event, right? I have been doing a lot of reading lately about as a child the way you perceive your world is very different from the way an adult perceives the world even if it is the exact same world, they don’t have that same wherewithal to analyse a situation and really dig deep into the potential underlying motives or things like that. The way they absorb something is much more black and white like you were saying.
[36:48] Cassy Price: So, then you form all of these thoughts and opinions of the world and of yourself based on those interactions that you have had as a child, like you said, subconsciously you carry those forward with you and it’s not until you start doing some of that inner work that you may go “Yeah I remember when my parents used to mention how much I ate all the time and I took that as they thought I was fat.” When really, they were just so excited because you were such an active kid and you were growing big and strong and they didn’t mean anything by it, they were just like “man, you’re eating a great meal again” kind of thing. Even your grandparents or your friends. It doesn’t have to be a family unit member necessarily. I think those are really great things that you called out. People often look for those big moments in life like some major trauma, some major event that should have been the trigger of their negative self-talk or poor internal dialogue but really it can be a combination of multiple different pieces. So, one thing I did want to ask you about from that perspective is practicing gratitude. There is lots of research that shows that that helps to boost mood and stuff like that. Do you find that it also can help to start weeding through those internal thoughts and some of those experiences and subconscious beliefs so you can start to find where they came from and address them accordingly?
[38:17] Marlyn Diaz: 1,000%!!! Yes. Definitely. It sounds so kitschy sometimes to have a gratitude practice and we see it all over the place. Having a gratitude practice really sets us up at looking at life through the glass half full. So, gratitude is a thing that really is the antidote for so much of what we strive and crave and the places we want to get to in life. If we can stop and start to look at the blessings that we have, especially this last year has been trying for all of us in different ways some greater than others. Even in all, I’m sure there is something whether it is water or whether a roof over our heads or the ability to buy food or having a friend that calls to say I love you; the smallest of things can help us to really appreciate the lives that we really have. Again, I keep doing back to Diana because she is weaved throughout the book and she shared her event of changing her life and the practices that helped her and gratitude, every night she would write three things that she was grateful for because she wanted to find her joy. One of the things that I had her do in the beginning was start to create practices that were going to help her find that joy.
[39:53] Marlyn Diaz: So, we go to the place of instilling a gratitude practice. What did that look like? It was three things a day that brought her gratitude or joy. It could be three words or sometimes she wrote three sentences in a journal or three paragraphs. It could be the smallest things like a cup of warm coffee in the morning, her daughters smile or the dog that came and gave her some love during the day. It can be three big things. The idea is that if we start to practice looking at what brings us joy and what we are grateful for in our day, again it changes our mindset and it starts to open the brain up to what’s possible and creates new grooves. Then we begin to look at life through a different lens and change our perspective. So, I say yes. It’s a huge thing. It could be that you journal it. You write it down. You could just notice it. You share it.
[40:53] Marlyn Diaz: You write it on your phone in a little notepad. The idea is just to practice this because many of us, myself included, come from a negative bias or a depressed mindset or a household that had chaos or we’ve been up against some trauma or hard times in our lives and we can change at any moment. I know that personally. I have watched it in the clients and my friends and my kids. So, it is possible. That is part of the impetus of me writing Beyond Radiant and wanting to do Podcasts and share from this place to know that we are creators. We can either be the creator of our lives or the victim of our lives and we get to decide. We can change at any moment. We all have the ability to do that. Is it easy? Not always. Is it possible? Yes.
[42:00] Cassy Price: Awesome. Well, I know I am grateful for this conversation today. It will be one of the things in my journal tonight for sure. For our listeners, I know you have mentioned your book a couple of times, but would you mind just repeating what the title was and letting them know where they can find it?
[42:15] Marlyn Diaz: Absolutely. My book is called Beyond Radiant: The Modern Woman’s Guide to Health, Healing and Happiness in Midlife. It is available on Amazon or Barnes and Noble in softback or eBook and it is also available at my website marlynwellness.com. We were able to get a little publisher special on the website so it’s available there and yes, I am so grateful for this conversation and for your amazing questions and all the work that you’re doing in the world and bringing enlightenment to your community and listeners.
[42:58] Cassy Price: Awesome well thank you so much. It’s been pleasure chatting with you and I really appreciate you taking the time to talk to us, and I also want to thank the listeners for tuning in today.
[43:09] Marlyn Diaz: Thank you
* * * Outro Music * * *
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[End of episode 43:44]
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