In the adult male study, healthy participants were given 300 mg MBP per day for 16 days and assessed for markers of bone loss. The results show a significant decrease in bone metabolism and bone loss. A decrease in urinary cross-linked N-teleopeptides of type-I collagen (NTx) excretion was also observed, suggesting that MBP promoted bone formation and suppressed bone resorption, while maintaining the balance of bone remodeling in healthy participants.
Toba, Y., Takada, Y., Matsuoka, Y., Morita, Y., Motouri, M., Hirai, T., Suguri, T., Aoe, S., Kawakami, H., Kumegawa, M., Takeuchi, A., & Itabashi, A. (2001). Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 65(6), 1353–1357.